Unofficial PSA F.A.Q by udaynatt

Unofficial PSA F.A.Q by udaynatt

PSARips – Known issues with the website and video files (regarding blocked pages, broken links, 10bit/HDR/3D playback) with solutions:

1. Site Blockage – If the itself or its subsequent link URLs are blocked in your country:

Solution – Use alternative URLs, a different browser or a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

Best way: Use Opera .

OPERA BROWSER: It has built-in VPN, which you can use to mask your location to another continent, thus unblocking all the content. See the picture below:


You can also opt to use a universal VPN for your PC which will work on all the browsers you use, including Internet Explorer, Edge, and Google Chrome. However, those VPNs are only the short-time trial versions and you’re gonna have to pay for them eventually if you want to keep using them.

However, you can still use them for a short time. They all offer about a 10-30 days of free trial.

But in the end – for the PC, without paying anything or installing any separate VPN software, best way to use blocked websites is still Opera Browser. There is no extra setup. Using the VPN is very easy. You only need to download and install Opera and turn on the VPN from settings:

This solution works pretty much for every blockage issue, whether it is the LinkShrink block, or the entire block. Sometimes the captcha doesn’t work very well on Opera while using VPN. In that case, you can copy-paste the URL into Google Chrome, Solve the captcha, and on the next page after getting the link, you can go back to Opera for the rest of the process. Sometimes, you will need Opera only to open the LinkShrink URLs. You can do that by copying the linkShrink URL (which is not opening in Google Chrome)…

…and pasting it in VPN-enabled Opera browser where it will work like it is supposed to:

In case the itself is not working, you can try the HTTPS version ( or the Indian Server (

2. Broken/Removed download links for older movies/Tv-shows:

Sometimes (always, eventually), the download links posted in PSA titles will become outdated, broken, removed and stop working for whatever reason. Because of that, you cannot download the movie anymore. Or can you?

Solution: Try ALL the links one by one, manually or by using software, or try the torrent download link.

Best way: Use JDownloader –

JDOWNLOADER – It is like IDM, but much cooler. You can copy and paste a complete list of links, with either direct or indirect download links for the files, and it will do the job for you without having to go through each host website manually. Here is how to use the J-Downloader:

Step One : Copy all the links for the file you need to download:

And don’t just copy the link for one part. If your file has multiple parts, copy them all and paste them in a single notepad file, so you will have a full list of all the links for all the parts of a single movie, like this: (This is an example of a 3-part movie, with all its links pasted in one place)

Step Two: Open JDownloader > go to LinkGrabber tab > Click Add new links > Paste All the links from notepad > Click Small arrow above Continue > Choose Start Deep Link Analyse

After you click DeepLink analyse, It will find all the links for all the Parts, even group them into single file (since all parts are for extracting one file), and show you which links are dead and which ones are still alive and working.

It will make a list of all the available links, and categorize them in various “folders”. The dead and broken links will be pushed into a separate folder tree with a random name, and the still working and live links will be put into the regular folder with the name of the movie you are downloading, as shown below:

As you can see here, for the 3D version of Guardians of the Galaxy (2017) movie, there are about a dozen file hosts (right sidebar). Most of them are offline (grouped in top), but the three still working links for all the three parts from 2Giga host are grouped into one regular folder with filename of the movie.

You can go ahead and select the files you want to download with green tickmark and click on “Start Downloads” by right clicking on them:

You can also select multiple hosts if there are more than one available, but JDownloader will only use one host for each .rar file (it will choose the one that gives most speed and resume capability). And In case a host goes offline in the middle of a download, JDownloader will fire up another host and resume the download from there without losing much data. (However this sometimes fails to work with certain hosts such as uptobox, and you will need to download whole file from the beginning. Fortunately, this has happened with me only once in entire year)

Not only will this download all the part files for a movie, but it will also extract the movie out of those .rar archives once the downloading is finished.

The only problem you can get at this point is speed limit – while the servers for the file may be online, their download speed is sometimes restricted to 10kb/sec for each part (such as for uptobox and uploadrocket). In that case, you can:

  • either opt for another available server
  • wait for a week to download the file at low speeds

IF ALL OF THOSE SERVERS ARE OFFLINE: Then jDownloader is of no use since all the hosts have removed all the parts from their servers. In that case, you can try downloading the torrent file and check if you get enough seeds to finish your download.

3. Playing 10bit HDR files without actual HDR color:

A lot of people have downloaded the 2160p 10bit HDR content, and they can play those files in VLC, but the colors look bleached and dull like in the image below:

Solution: use video players like MPC-HC or JetAudio that support madVR.

Best way: Use madVR with MPC-BE (Media Player Classic – Black Edition)

MPC-BE is the ultimate version of Media Player Classic that supports a plethora of codecs and tools and skins not found in the regular version. You need to download it from HERE.

Secondly, you’ll need to download a codec called madVR. (get the latest edition)

Third, download and install LAV filters (get them with K-Lite Codec Pack – Basic edition:  or download them separately)

Then, you’ll need to setup both MPC-BE and madVR to get the best out of HDR with LAV filters. Follow these steps:

  1. Open MPC-BE
  2. Go to View > Options > Video
  3. Under the Video renderer, choose madVR and click Apply
  4. Close MPC-BE, reopen and play any movie file, then pause it (or keep playing whatever)
  5. Go to Play > Filters > LAV Video decoder. Under Hardware acceleration, choose DXVA2 (copy-back). Tick/Check/Turn On all Output formats and resolutions and use PC (0-255) levels for RGB output.
    (if there is no LAV Video Decoder in the list, go to next step)
  6. Go to Play > Filters > MadVR Renderer and click on Edit Settings
  7. Under Devices, click on your monitor (it’s the one with screen icon) and choose Digital Monitor/TV from the options in right side.
  8. Under that monitor folder, expand the sections and choose Properties. There, under the RGB output, select PC levels (0-255), native bit-depth as 8 bit and 3D format as none (or Side by Side if you have a 3D display), then click Apply.
  9. Now go to hdr section, and select convert HDR content to SDR by using pixel shader math – it will be 2nd or 3rd option in there. Under the target peak nits, write a value between 100 and 500 (keep an HDR video playing in MPC-BE to decide better, as the changes you make will be visible instantly in the video player)
  10. Choose (tick/ turn on) the restore details in compressed highlights section. Click Apply.
  11. Then go to scaling algorithms, and under all the sections, choose DXVA2. If DXVA2 is not in the list, then choose Bilinear. Click Apply.
  12. Under the rendering > exclusive mode, remove all three ticks from show seek bar, delay switch to exclusive mode by 3 seconds and present several frames in advance. This is necessary to keep the OSD in check while playing videos.
  13. Under general settings and trade quality for performance sections, you can remove ALL the tickmarks if you have a strong enough GPU to handle the raw load.

Click Apply, then OK, and enjoy the 10bit HDR movies in their full glory using MPC-BE.

Note that in my screenshot, I have used 100 nits as target peak brightness because increasing that value leads to too much darkness in my videos. You can decide that yourself if you change that value while playing an HDR video in the background. Also, don’t be alarmed if you don’t see those “Profile Group” folders in your madVR settings… these are just for your convenience and you can create your own by selecting a folder and then right clicking on it. No big deal.

For extra awesomeness, you can reopen that madVR settings box and do the following changes:

Set keyboard shortcuts as shown below:

Now while playing a video, increase Source Black levels to +7 and decrease Source White Levels down to -30. Then, the dark scenes will become much more detailed and outdoor scenes/bright scenes will look much better with increased dynamic range. For example, Thor’s bifrost will have more rainbow colors, more detailed explosions, deeper looking skies, and more detailed look of Wakandan tunnels and other dark scenes. So that’s it for 10bit HDR stuff. Here is what the output will look like (approximation)

4. Playing 3D movies from PSARips:

Playing the 3D content properly has always been a tough task for beginners since the days of early BluRay-3D releases. Very few software support it in mp4 format only. It’s hard to find the ones that can play mkv formats, and even harder to find ones that support HEVC/x265, and hardest yet to get the 3D movies playing which are in mkv, HEVC and 10bit format with 8-channels of audio.

While the users of 3D-TVs have no issue with them since their TV can decode 3D content on its own, the ones still using AMD-HD3D and nVidia3DVision and SENSIO-3D systems – they need their PCs to decode the 3D content before showing it on their monitors. They simply cannot use madVR or MPC or VLC to play it in full color.

Solution: nVidia and AMD’s 3D players, Stereoscopic player and Cyberlink PowerDVD

Best way: Sterescopic Player with JetAudio filters

Yes. madVR, LAV filters and Haali Media Splitters are good for making mkv files work on most stereoscopic players, but when it comes to supporting MKV with 10-bit HEVC content, everything else fails. That’s where you will need to download a long forgotten player known as Jet-Audio .

Also, download Jet-Video from the same website since in latest editions, the video codecs are divided and you need both of them to get all the needed filters/splitters.
(You will still need to download madVR, LAV and Haali video filters. You can get them with K-Lite Codec pack’s basic version. Or download them separately with a simple Google search)

While you can do enough with Jet-Audio’s free basic edition, getting the Jet-Audio PlusVX edition isn’t very hard. You can either get it free from its own website by clicking few offer links, or you can get it from torrent. Even if you don’t get a latest edition from torrent, you can simply download an older PlusVX version and then free upgrade it to latest from the same website.
I recommend you download the PlusVX version.

You will also need to get a full working version of Stereoscopic Player. You can either buy it from its official website or you can download a cracked version from torrent websites (just make sure its version is Stereoscopic Player v2.4.3 or more).

Once you have downloaded and installed all the software (Jet-Audio+Video and Stereoscopic Player), you’re ready to start changing the settings for them as follows:

  1. Open Jet Audio and play some audio and video files to get it working and make the necessary startup changes. Do the same with Jet Video.
  2. Turn on 3D in your graphics card settings (for example, in nVidia 3D vision users, go to nVidia Control Panel > Set up Stereoscopic 3D and click Enable Stereoscopic 3D and apply the settings.
  3. Open Stereoscopic Player and go to File > Settings > Decoder
  4. Use the Add, Delete, Up and Down buttons till your codecs look like these screenshots:
    (delete all the extra splitters if there are any in those sections, and don’t make any changes to rest of the splitters)
    Stream Splitter changes:

      Audio Decoder changes:

     Video Decoder changes:

     Other changes:

  5. Click ‘OK’
  6. Go to View > Preferred Viewing Method > choose Stereoscopic
  7. Go to View > Viewing Method > choose whatever system you use (nVidia 3D, AMD HD3D, Occulus Rift (for VR), Intel 3D, Sharp 3DTV etc)
  8. Now open any PSA-downloaded 3D movie file.
  9. When asked the source layout, choose “Side by Side, Left Image First”

And that’s it, if you did everything right and downloaded and installed all the codecs and softwares, you shouldn’t have any issue. Remember you need all of the following stuff to play HEVC-10bit-MKV-3D files:

  1. LAV, Haali Media and madVR codecs (download latest K-Lite Codec Standard edition – it has all three of them)
  2. Jet Audio and Jet Video software (codecs are included in them)
  3. Stereoscopic Player (version 2.4.3 or higher)
  4. A working 3D system with proper 3D display, 3D glasses and an understanding of its control panels about turning it on and off.

Other methods to watch 3D content:

Install CyberLink PowerDVD 18 (or higher version) – you can either buy it, download cracked version from torrent or use trial version for few days.

Pros: No codecs or extra software required. It uses its own codecs to play 10bit HEVC MKV files with proper 3D subtitles, and supports virtually ALL kinds of 3D display systems including nVidia and AMD and SENSIO.

Cons: If the video file has more than 6-ch audio, there will be no audio output, and there’s no other way to make that work with 7-ch or 8-ch audio files. Maybe with external SPIDF output but I’m not sure about that either.

Buy a 3DTV: that uses its own Polaroid/Shutter 3D glasses and viewing system – If you have such a 3DTV that comes with built in 3D player, all you have to do is load the 3D movie into a USB and play. Or you can use HDMI to connect it with your PC and use MPC-HC/BE to play the movie on 3DTV, and then using the TV’s own 3D viewing system to convert a side-by-side 3D video into full-depth 3D experience.

Pros: No hassle with softwares or codecs or whatever.

Cons: Expensive, and there are still plenty of companies that make 3DTV with no native codec support for HEVC.

Buy Red/Blue anaglyph gelatin/paper/plastic 3D glasses and enjoy 3D on any screen. Open the file in VLC media player, and go to Tools > Effects and Filters > Video Effects > Advanced > choose Anaglyph 3D.
Alternatively, if your Red/Blue glasses don’t work well, you can open the file in Stereoscopic player (and follow all the steps needed to make it work), except in the Viewing Method, go to Anaglyph and choose between about 12 different types of 3D glasses depending on what works best for you.

Pros: No need for a 3D display, you can watch it on ANY screen, even mobile if you can find a suitable playing app. And those 3D Red/Blue glasses cost almost nothing. You can even make them at home!

Cons: You will never be able to see 3D in full color the way it was supposed to. Still, that’s way better than having nothing to watch.

Okay. So that just about wraps it all up regarding the issues you can possibly face with PSARips. Hope it solves all your problems and answers what you needed to ask.